Architecture |
Subsystem |
Compilation Date | 2007-May-16 20:46:44 |
Detected languages |
English - United States
Debug artifacts |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | Windows Live installer client executable |
InternalName | Dashboard.exe |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | Dashboard.exe |
ProductName | Windows Live installer |
FileVersion | 12.0.1202.0516 |
ProductVersion | 12.0.1202.0516 |
Info | Matching compiler(s): |
Microsoft Visual C++ v6.0 DLL
MSVC++ v.8 (procedure 1 recognized - h) |
Info | Interesting strings found in the binary: |
Contains domain names:
Malicious | The PE contains functions mostly used by malware. |
[!] The program may be hiding some of its imports:
Info | The PE is digitally signed. |
Signer: Microsoft Corporation
Issuer: Microsoft Code Signing PCA |
Safe | VirusTotal score: 0/69 (Scanned on 2025-02-03 19:44:18) | All the AVs think this file is safe. |
e_magic | MZ |
e_cblp | 0x90 |
e_cp | 0x3 |
e_crlc | 0 |
e_cparhdr | 0x4 |
e_minalloc | 0 |
e_maxalloc | 0xffff |
e_ss | 0 |
e_sp | 0xb8 |
e_csum | 0 |
e_ip | 0 |
e_cs | 0 |
e_ovno | 0 |
e_oemid | 0 |
e_oeminfo | 0 |
e_lfanew | 0xe8 |
Signature | PE |
Machine |
NumberofSections | 3 |
TimeDateStamp | 2007-May-16 20:46:44 |
PointerToSymbolTable | 0 |
NumberOfSymbols | 0 |
SizeOfOptionalHeader | 0xe0 |
Characteristics |
Magic | PE32 |
LinkerVersion | 8.0 |
SizeOfCode | 0x18600 |
SizeOfInitializedData | 0x8c00 |
SizeOfUninitializedData | 0 |
AddressOfEntryPoint | 0x0000861F (Section: .text) |
BaseOfCode | 0x1000 |
BaseOfData | 0x1a000 |
ImageBase | 0x1000000 |
SectionAlignment | 0x1000 |
FileAlignment | 0x200 |
OperatingSystemVersion | 6.0 |
ImageVersion | 6.0 |
SubsystemVersion | 5.1 |
Win32VersionValue | 0 |
SizeOfImage | 0x24000 |
SizeOfHeaders | 0x400 |
Checksum | 0x3052a |
Subsystem |
DllCharacteristics |
SizeofStackReserve | 0x40000 |
SizeofStackCommit | 0x2000 |
SizeofHeapReserve | 0x100000 |
SizeofHeapCommit | 0x1000 |
LoaderFlags | 0 |
NumberOfRvaAndSizes | 16 |
ADVAPI32.dll |
GetTraceEnableFlags GetTraceEnableLevel GetTraceLoggerHandle RegisterTraceGuidsW UnregisterTraceGuids GetTokenInformation OpenProcessToken RegCreateKeyExW RegOpenKeyExW RegQueryValueExW RegSetValueExW AdjustTokenPrivileges LookupPrivilegeValueW RegDeleteKeyW RegDeleteValueW RegQueryInfoKeyW RegEnumKeyExW RegCloseKey |
KERNEL32.dll |
GetCommandLineW CloseHandle MultiByteToWideChar lstrlenA GetCurrentProcess CreateMutexW GetVersionExW VerLanguageNameW GetModuleFileNameW GetModuleHandleW HeapSetInformation GetProcessHeap GetProcAddress GetSystemDefaultLCID LoadLibraryW CompareStringW LoadLibraryExW GetLastError lstrcmpiW TlsGetValue lstrlenW FindAtomW IsDebuggerPresent SetUnhandledExceptionFilter UnhandledExceptionFilter TerminateProcess GetSystemTimeAsFileTime GetCurrentProcessId GetCurrentThreadId GetTickCount QueryPerformanceCounter GetStartupInfoW InterlockedCompareExchange Sleep GetThreadLocale GetLocaleInfoA GetACP InterlockedExchange HeapSize HeapReAlloc HeapFree HeapAlloc HeapDestroy GetVersionExA LeaveCriticalSection EnterCriticalSection InterlockedDecrement InterlockedIncrement FindResourceExW FindResourceW LoadResource LockResource SizeofResource DeleteCriticalSection InitializeCriticalSection RaiseException FreeLibrary |
USER32.dll |
GetMessageW TranslateMessage DispatchMessageW UnregisterClassA SetRect PostThreadMessageW PostMessageW SetWindowTextW ExitWindowsEx AdjustWindowRectEx CharNextW SetWindowPlacement OffsetRect GetWindowPlacement EnableWindow SetForegroundWindow ShowWindow IsWindowVisible SendMessageW SetWindowPos RemoveMenu GetSystemMenu GetForegroundWindow GetMonitorInfoW MonitorFromRect SystemParametersInfoW IsRectEmpty |
MSVCR80.dll |
?_type_info_dtor_internal_method@type_info@@QAEXXZ _crt_debugger_hook memcpy_s _CxxThrowException memmove_s wcsstr wcschr ??_V@YAXPAX@Z __CxxFrameHandler3 free calloc ??2@YAPAXI@Z _recalloc _vscwprintf vswprintf_s malloc swprintf_s memset wcscat_s wcscpy_s wcsncpy_s _vsnwprintf _wcslwr_s _wcsicmp _purecall _amsg_exit _invoke_watson _decode_pointer _onexit _lock __dllonexit _unlock ?terminate@@YAXXZ _except_handler4_common __set_app_type _encode_pointer __p__fmode __p__commode _adjust_fdiv __setusermatherr _configthreadlocale _initterm_e _initterm _wcmdln exit _XcptFilter _exit _cexit __wgetmainargs ??3@YAXPAX@Z |
SHELL32.dll |
CommandLineToArgvW SHAppBarMessage |
ole32.dll |
CoTaskMemFree CoTaskMemRealloc CoTaskMemAlloc CoQueryProxyBlanket CoCopyProxy CoSetProxyBlanket CoCreateInstance CoUninitialize |
OLEAUT32.dll |
SysFreeString SysAllocString VarUI4FromStr SysStringLen VarBstrCmp DispCallFunc VariantClear VariantInit |
VerQueryValueW GetFileVersionInfoW |
UXCore.dll |
?Destroy@NativeHWNDHost@DirectUI@@UAEXXZ ?RMInitialize@@YGXXZ ?RMUpdateResourceSet@@YG_NPB_WK00@Z UXCoreInitProcess UXCoreInitThread UXCoreUnInitThread UXCoreUnInitProcess ?RMTerminate@@YGXXZ ?LoadAndCreateElement@CRMDUIParser@@QAEJIPB_WPAPAVElement@DirectUI@@PAV23@K0@Z ?Initialize@NativeHWNDHost@DirectUI@@QAEJPB_W0PAUHWND__@@PAUHICON__@@HHHHHHHPAUHINSTANCE__@@I@Z ?RMLoadIcon@@YGPAUHICON__@@PB_WK0@Z ?Create@HWNDElement@DirectUI@@SGJPAUHWND__@@_NI1PAPAVElement@2@@Z ?Host@NativeHWNDHost@DirectUI@@QAEXPAVElement@2@@Z ?AddListener@Element@DirectUI@@QAEJPAUIElementListener@2@@Z ?Attach@CRMDUIParser@@QAEJPAVElement@DirectUI@@@Z BuildDropTarget ??0NativeHWNDHost@DirectUI@@QAE@XZ ?Create@FillLayout@DirectUI@@SGJPAPAVLayout@2@@Z ?CreateUnknown@Value@DirectUI@@SGPAV12@PAUIUnknown@@@Z ?CmdContextProp@Element@DirectUI@@2PAUPropertyInfo@2@A ?AccNameProp@Element@DirectUI@@2PAUPropertyInfo@2@A ?AccRoleProp@Element@DirectUI@@2PAUPropertyInfo@2@A ?StrToID@DirectUI@@YGGPB_W@Z ?RMLoadInt@@YGHIHKPB_W@Z ?GetHWND@NativeHWNDHost@DirectUI@@QAEPAUHWND__@@XZ ?RMLoadString@@YGIIPA_WIKPB_W@Z ?Class@Element@DirectUI@@2PAUIClassInfo@2@A ?FindDescendent@Element@DirectUI@@QAEPAV12@G@Z ?Class@Checkbox@DirectUI@@2PAUIClassInfo@2@A ?Class@Hyperlink@DirectUI@@2PAUIClassInfo@2@A ?Class@Progress@DirectUI@@2PAUIClassInfo@2@A ?_ZeroRelease@Value@DirectUI@@AAEXXZ ?ParentProp@Element@DirectUI@@2PAUPropertyInfo@2@A ?GetValue@Element@DirectUI@@QBEPAVValue@2@PBUPropertyInfo@2@H@Z ?ChildrenProp@Element@DirectUI@@2PAUPropertyInfo@2@A ?ClassProp@Element@DirectUI@@2PAUPropertyInfo@2@A ?IDProp@Element@DirectUI@@2PAUPropertyInfo@2@A ?SetValue@Element@DirectUI@@QAEJPBUPropertyInfo@2@HPAVValue@2@@Z ?VisibleProp@Element@DirectUI@@2PAUPropertyInfo@2@A ?CreateBool@Value@DirectUI@@SGPAV12@_N@Z ?ContentProp@Element@DirectUI@@2PAUPropertyInfo@2@A ?CreateString@Value@DirectUI@@SGPAV12@PB_WPAUHINSTANCE__@@I@Z ?CreateAtom@Value@DirectUI@@SGPAV12@PB_W@Z ?AccDescProp@Element@DirectUI@@2PAUPropertyInfo@2@A ?g_dwElSlot@DirectUI@@3KA ?StartDefer@Element@DirectUI@@SGXXZ ?EndDefer@Element@DirectUI@@SGXXZ ?CheckedProp@Checkbox@DirectUI@@2PAUPropertyInfo@2@A ?UrlProp@Hyperlink@DirectUI@@2PAUPropertyInfo@2@A ?PositionProp@Progress@DirectUI@@2PAUPropertyInfo@2@A ?CreateInt@Value@DirectUI@@SGPAV12@H@Z ?GetElement@NativeHWNDHost@DirectUI@@QAEPAVElement@2@XZ ?RMLoadCompoundString@@YGIIPA_WIKPB_W@Z ?FindDescendentByClass@Element@DirectUI@@QAEPAV12@PB_W@Z ?Add@Element@DirectUI@@QAEJPAV12@@Z ?DestroyAll@Element@DirectUI@@QAEJXZ ?UpdateAndGetDesiredSize@Element@DirectUI@@QAE?AUtagSIZE@@HH@Z ?Remove@Element@DirectUI@@QAEJPAV12@@Z ?Navigate@Hyperlink@DirectUI@@2PAEA ?Click@Button@DirectUI@@2PAEA ??1NativeHWNDHost@DirectUI@@UAE@XZ ?OnMessage@NativeHWNDHost@DirectUI@@UAEJIIJAAJ@Z ?Destroy@Element@DirectUI@@QAEJ_N@Z ?g_hHeap@DirectUI@@3PAXA ?LayoutProp@Element@DirectUI@@2PAUPropertyInfo@2@A ?CreateLayout@Value@DirectUI@@SGPAV12@PAVLayout@2@@Z ?AccessibleProp@Element@DirectUI@@2PAUPropertyInfo@2@A ??0CRMDUIParser@@QAE@XZ |
Signature | 0xfeef04bd |
StructVersion | 0x10000 |
FileVersion | 12.0.1202.516 |
ProductVersion | 12.0.1202.516 |
FileFlags |
FileOs |
FileType |
Language | English - United States |
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | Windows Live installer client executable |
InternalName | Dashboard.exe |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | Dashboard.exe |
ProductName | Windows Live installer |
FileVersion (#2) | 12.0.1202.0516 |
ProductVersion (#2) | 12.0.1202.0516 |
Resource LangID | English - United States |
Characteristics |
TimeDateStamp | 2007-May-16 20:46:44 |
Version | 0.0 |
SizeofData | 38 |
AddressOfRawData | 0x44e0 |
PointerToRawData | 0x38e0 |
Referenced File | Dashboard.pdb |
Size | 0x48 |
TimeDateStamp | 1970-Jan-01 00:00:00 |
Version | 0.0 |
GlobalFlagsClear | (EMPTY) |
GlobalFlagsSet | (EMPTY) |
CriticalSectionDefaultTimeout | 0 |
DeCommitFreeBlockThreshold | 0 |
DeCommitTotalFreeThreshold | 0 |
LockPrefixTable | 0 |
MaximumAllocationSize | 0 |
VirtualMemoryThreshold | 0 |
ProcessAffinityMask | 0 |
ProcessHeapFlags | (EMPTY) |
CSDVersion | 0 |
Reserved1 | 0 |
EditList | 0 |
SecurityCookie | 0x101a2b4 |
SEHandlerTable | 0x1004590 |
SEHandlerCount | 61 |
XOR Key | 0xd72d2ad5 |
Unmarked objects | 0 |
126 (50327) | 1 |
ASM objects (VS2012 build 50727 / VS2005 build 50727) | 4 |
C objects (VS2012 build 50727 / VS2005 build 50727) | 25 |
Imports (VS2012 build 50727 / VS2005 build 50727) | 21 |
Total imports | 250 |
C++ objects (VS2012 build 50727 / VS2005 build 50727) | 19 |
Resource objects (VS2012 build 50727 / VS2005 build 50727) | 1 |
Linker (VS2012 build 50727 / VS2005 build 50727) | 1 |