Architecture |
Subsystem |
Compilation Date | 2023-Jun-02 03:13:36 |
Detected languages |
Chinese - Taiwan
English - United States Italian - Italy |
FileDescription | HP Flash Utility (3.55 Build 06021) |
FileVersion | 3.55 |
InternalName | HPWINGUI |
LegalCopyright | Copyright (C) American Megatrends International LLC. |
OriginalFilename | HPWINGUI.exe |
ProductName | HPWINGUI |
ProductVersion | 3.55 |
Info | Matching compiler(s): |
Microsoft Visual C++ v6.0 DLL
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 - 8.0 MASM/TASM - sig1(h) |
Suspicious | Strings found in the binary may indicate undesirable behavior: |
Contains references to system / monitoring tools:
Info | Cryptographic algorithms detected in the binary: |
Uses constants related to SHA1
Uses constants related to SHA256 |
Malicious | The PE contains functions mostly used by malware. |
[!] The program may be hiding some of its imports:
Suspicious | The file contains overlay data. |
11599904 bytes of data starting at offset 0x269c00.
The overlay data has an entropy of 7.99924 and is possibly compressed or encrypted. Overlay data amounts for 82.0929% of the executable. |
Safe | VirusTotal score: 0/72 (Scanned on 2024-06-24 05:12:27) | All the AVs think this file is safe. |
e_magic | MZ |
e_cblp | 0x90 |
e_cp | 0x3 |
e_crlc | 0 |
e_cparhdr | 0x4 |
e_minalloc | 0 |
e_maxalloc | 0xffff |
e_ss | 0 |
e_sp | 0xb8 |
e_csum | 0 |
e_ip | 0 |
e_cs | 0 |
e_ovno | 0 |
e_oemid | 0 |
e_oeminfo | 0 |
e_lfanew | 0x120 |
Signature | PE |
Machine |
NumberofSections | 5 |
TimeDateStamp | 2023-Jun-02 03:13:36 |
PointerToSymbolTable | 0 |
NumberOfSymbols | 0 |
SizeOfOptionalHeader | 0xe0 |
Characteristics |
Magic | PE32 |
LinkerVersion | 12.0 |
SizeOfCode | 0x1b0c00 |
SizeOfInitializedData | 0xb8c00 |
SizeOfUninitializedData | 0 |
AddressOfEntryPoint | 0x001869D8 (Section: .text) |
BaseOfCode | 0x1000 |
BaseOfData | 0x1b2000 |
ImageBase | 0x400000 |
SectionAlignment | 0x1000 |
FileAlignment | 0x200 |
OperatingSystemVersion | 6.0 |
ImageVersion | 0.0 |
SubsystemVersion | 6.0 |
Win32VersionValue | 0 |
SizeOfImage | 0x281000 |
SizeOfHeaders | 0x400 |
Checksum | 0x2750ce |
Subsystem |
DllCharacteristics |
SizeofStackReserve | 0x100000 |
SizeofStackCommit | 0x1000 |
SizeofHeapReserve | 0x100000 |
SizeofHeapCommit | 0x1000 |
LoaderFlags | 0 |
NumberOfRvaAndSizes | 16 |
SHELL32.dll |
SHGetDesktopFolder SHGetSpecialFolderLocation DragFinish DragQueryFileA SHGetFileInfoA SHGetFolderPathA SHGetPathFromIDListA SHBrowseForFolderA ShellExecuteA |
KERNEL32.dll |
RtlUnwind IsDebuggerPresent IsProcessorFeaturePresent GetModuleHandleExW AreFileApisANSI GetSystemTimeAsFileTime GetCommandLineA GetSystemInfo VirtualAlloc VirtualQuery ExitThread HeapQueryInformation SetStdHandle GetFileType GetConsoleCP SearchPathA UnhandledExceptionFilter SetUnhandledExceptionFilter TerminateProcess GetStartupInfoW GetStdHandle GetUserDefaultLCID SetFilePointerEx ReadConsoleW GetTimeZoneInformation QueryPerformanceCounter GetEnvironmentStringsW FreeEnvironmentStringsW GetDriveTypeW GetStringTypeW LCMapStringW IsValidLocale EnumSystemLocalesW WriteConsoleW OutputDebugStringW GetCurrentDirectoryW CreateFileW SetEnvironmentVariableA GetProfileIntA GetTickCount SetConsoleMode ReadConsoleInputA lstrlenA IsValidCodePage VirtualProtect GetTempFileNameA GetFileTime GetFileSizeEx GetFileAttributesExA GetCPInfo GetOEMCP GetFileAttributesA VerifyVersionInfoA lstrcpyA VerSetConditionMask GetACP lstrcmpiA DuplicateHandle UnlockFile SetFilePointer SetEndOfFile LockFile GetFullPathNameA GetFileSize FlushFileBuffers GetUserDefaultUILanguage GetSystemDefaultUILanguage GetLocaleInfoW CompareStringW GlobalFlags LocalReAlloc LocalAlloc GlobalHandle GlobalReAlloc TlsFree TlsSetValue TlsGetValue TlsAlloc InitializeCriticalSection SetErrorMode FileTimeToSystemTime FindNextFileA FindFirstFileA FindClose FileTimeToLocalFileTime GlobalGetAtomNameA GlobalFindAtomA lstrcmpW GetSystemDirectoryW EncodePointer InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount FindResourceA LoadLibraryW GetModuleFileNameW FreeResource OutputDebugStringA ResumeThread SetThreadPriority GlobalAddAtomA WritePrivateProfileStringA GetPrivateProfileStringA GetPrivateProfileIntA GetModuleHandleW CompareStringA lstrcmpA GlobalDeleteAtom LoadLibraryExW GetCurrentThreadId GetCurrentThread CopyFileA FormatMessageA MulDiv GlobalFree GlobalUnlock GlobalLock GlobalSize GlobalAlloc SetLastError GetCurrentProcessId MultiByteToWideChar CreatePipe RemoveDirectoryA GetStartupInfoA FindNextVolumeA GetDiskFreeSpaceExA FindFirstVolumeA GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA CreateProcessA SetVolumeMountPointA GetVolumeInformationA GetDriveTypeA GetLogicalDrives WaitForSingleObject SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA FindVolumeClose SetVolumeLabelA ExitProcess DeleteCriticalSection DecodePointer LockResource EnterCriticalSection HeapSize RaiseException InitializeCriticalSectionEx LeaveCriticalSection SizeofResource GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA WideCharToMultiByte GetProcessHeap HeapFree DeleteVolumeMountPointA HeapAlloc LoadResource FindResourceW HeapReAlloc SetCurrentDirectoryA GetSystemPowerStatus GetSystemFirmwareTable CreateNamedPipeA WriteFile ReadFile LocalFree CreateThread GetWindowsDirectoryA GetSystemDirectoryA CreateFileA DeviceIoControl CloseHandle SetConsoleCtrlHandler GetTempPathA LoadLibraryA SetThreadExecutionState GetProcAddress GetModuleHandleA GetModuleFileNameA FreeLibrary GetVersionExA GetCurrentProcess CreateMutexA GetLastError DeleteFileA CreateDirectoryA GetCurrentDirectoryA Sleep GetConsoleMode |
USER32.dll |
GetUpdateRect IsClipboardFormatAvailable TranslateMDISysAccel DefMDIChildProcA DefFrameProcA DrawMenuBar FrameRect CharUpperBuffA MapVirtualKeyExA IsCharLowerA PostThreadMessageA GetComboBoxInfo RegisterClipboardFormatA ModifyMenuA SetMenuDefaultItem CopyIcon GetDoubleClickTime SetClassLongA LockWindowUpdate SetParent SetRect SetCursorPos GetSystemMenu LoadMenuW IsZoomed TrackMouseEvent CopyAcceleratorTableA DestroyAcceleratorTable CreateAcceleratorTableA LoadAcceleratorsW ToAsciiEx GetKeyboardState GetKeyboardLayout NotifyWinEvent InvertRect HideCaret GetMenuDefaultItem ReuseDDElParam UnpackDDElParam InsertMenuItemA CreatePopupMenu LoadMenuA TranslateAcceleratorA LoadAcceleratorsA BringWindowToTop GetMenuItemInfoA MonitorFromPoint EnableScrollBar DestroyMenu GetAsyncKeyState UpdateLayeredWindow IsMenu UnionRect SetWindowRgn DrawFrameControl DrawEdge LoadImageW DrawStateA EmptyClipboard SetClipboardData CloseClipboard OpenClipboard EnumDisplayMonitors SetLayeredWindowAttributes IntersectRect CharUpperA LoadCursorW WaitMessage DeleteMenu RealChildWindowFromPoint GetSysColorBrush IsDialogMessageA SetWindowTextA CheckDlgButton GetDlgItemTextA MoveWindow ShowWindow GetMonitorInfoA DestroyCursor WinHelpA GetScrollInfo SetScrollInfo UnhookWindowsHookEx GetWindow GetTopWindow GetClassNameA GetClassLongA SetWindowLongA EqualRect MapWindowPoints AdjustWindowRectEx GetWindowRect GetWindowTextLengthA GetWindowTextA RemovePropA GetPropA SetPropA ShowScrollBar GetScrollRange SetScrollRange GetScrollPos SetScrollPos ScrollWindow SetForegroundWindow GetForegroundWindow TrackPopupMenu SetMenu GetMenu GetCapture SetFocus GetDlgCtrlID EndDeferWindowPos DeferWindowPos BeginDeferWindowPos SetWindowPlacement GetWindowPlacement SetWindowPos IsChild GetClassInfoExA GetClassInfoA RegisterClassA CallWindowProcA GetMessageTime GetMessagePos RegisterWindowMessageA GetIconInfo DrawIconEx CopyImage LoadImageA DestroyIcon LoadIconA PtInRect IsRectEmpty OffsetRect InflateRect SetRectEmpty DrawFocusRect MessageBoxA wsprintfA ExitWindowsEx SystemParametersInfoA BlockInput WindowFromPoint InvalidateRect ReleaseCapture SetCapture GetNextDlgGroupItem FillRect GetSysColor ScreenToClient ClientToScreen EndPaint BeginPaint GetWindowDC TabbedTextOutA GrayStringA DrawTextExA DrawTextA SendDlgItemMessageA CopyRect ReleaseDC GetDC MapVirtualKeyA GetKeyNameTextA SetActiveWindow GetNextDlgTabItem GetDlgItem EndDialog CreateDialogIndirectParamA DestroyWindow MapDialogRect CreateMenu MonitorFromWindow SubtractRect GetMessageA TranslateMessage DispatchMessageA DefWindowProcA RegisterClassExA CreateWindowExA UnregisterClassA LoadCursorA EnableWindow UpdateWindow GetSystemMetrics PostMessageA GetDesktopWindow RedrawWindow PeekMessageA LoadIconW SendMessageA GetClientRect DrawIcon KillTimer IsIconic PostQuitMessage SetTimer SetCursor IsWindowEnabled GetWindowLongA GetParent GetWindowThreadProcessId GetLastActivePopup GetMenuStringA GetMenuState GetSubMenu GetMenuItemID GetMenuItemCount InsertMenuA AppendMenuA RemoveMenu GetFocus CheckMenuItem EnableMenuItem SetMenuItemBitmaps GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions SetMenuItemInfoA LoadBitmapW ShowOwnedPopups IsWindowVisible GetActiveWindow GetKeyState ValidateRect GetCursorPos SetWindowsHookExA CallNextHookEx IsWindow MessageBeep |
GDI32.dll |
CombineRgn SetRectRgn DPtoLP CreateCompatibleBitmap CreateDIBitmap EnumFontFamiliesA GetTextCharsetInfo RealizePalette SetPixel StretchBlt CreateDIBSection SetDIBColorTable CreateEllipticRgn Ellipse GetBkColor GetTextColor CreatePolygonRgn Polygon Polyline Rectangle CreatePalette GetNearestPaletteIndex GetPaletteEntries GetSystemPaletteEntries CreateRoundRectRgn GetRgnBox OffsetRgn CreateFontIndirectA EnumFontFamiliesExA RoundRect ExtFloodFill SetPaletteEntries FillRgn FrameRgn GetBoundsRect PtInRegion GetWindowOrgEx LPtoDP GetViewportOrgEx SetPixelV GetTextFaceA MoveToEx GetObjectA GetTextExtentPoint32A ScaleWindowExtEx ScaleViewportExtEx OffsetWindowOrgEx OffsetViewportOrgEx SetWindowOrgEx SetWindowExtEx SetViewportOrgEx SetViewportExtEx ExtTextOutA CreateRectRgn CreatePatternBrush CreatePen CreateHatchBrush CreateCompatibleDC BitBlt PatBlt CreateRectRgnIndirect CreateBitmap GetDeviceCaps CreateDCA CopyMetaFileA CreateFontA DeleteDC SetTextAlign SetTextColor SetROP2 SetPolyFillMode GetLayout SetLayout SetMapMode SetBkMode SetBkColor SelectPalette SelectObject ExtSelectClipRgn SelectClipRgn SaveDC RestoreDC RectVisible PtVisible LineTo IntersectClipRect GetWindowExtEx GetViewportExtEx GetStockObject GetPixel GetObjectType GetClipBox ExcludeClipRect Escape DeleteObject CreateSolidBrush TextOutA |
MSIMG32.dll |
AlphaBlend |
DocumentPropertiesA ClosePrinter |
ADVAPI32.dll |
RegEnumKeyExA RegEnumValueA RegQueryValueA RegEnumKeyA RegDeleteValueA RegDeleteKeyA RegQueryValueExA CloseServiceHandle RegCreateKeyExA RegCloseKey RegOpenKeyExA LookupPrivilegeValueA AdjustTokenPrivileges OpenProcessToken StartServiceA OpenServiceA OpenSCManagerA DeleteService CreateServiceA ControlService |
COMCTL32.dll |
PathStripToRootA PathIsUNCA PathFindFileNameA PathFindExtensionA StrFormatKBSizeA |
UxTheme.dll |
GetWindowTheme DrawThemeText DrawThemeParentBackground OpenThemeData GetThemeSysColor IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent CloseThemeData DrawThemeBackground GetThemeColor GetCurrentThemeName IsAppThemed |
ole32.dll |
DoDragDrop CreateStreamOnHGlobal CoDisconnectObject CoInitialize CoCreateGuid ReleaseStgMedium CoTaskMemFree CoTaskMemAlloc CoInitializeEx CoInitializeSecurity CoUninitialize CoSetProxyBlanket CoCreateInstance OleCreateMenuDescriptor OleDestroyMenuDescriptor OleTranslateAccelerator IsAccelerator OleDuplicateData RevokeDragDrop RegisterDragDrop CoLockObjectExternal OleGetClipboard |
OLEAUT32.dll |
SafeArrayGetElement SafeArrayPutElement SysFreeString SysAllocStringByteLen SysAllocStringLen VariantChangeType SysStringLen SystemTimeToVariantTime VariantTimeToSystemTime SafeArrayCreate VariantCopy VarBstrFromDate LoadTypeLib SafeArrayDestroy VariantClear SysAllocString |
gdiplus.dll |
GdipCreateFromHDC GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP GdipDrawImageI GdipDeleteGraphics GdipBitmapUnlockBits GdipBitmapLockBits GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0 GdipCreateBitmapFromStream GdipGetImagePaletteSize GdipGetImagePalette GdipGetImagePixelFormat GdipGetImageHeight GdipGetImageWidth GdipGetImageGraphicsContext GdipDisposeImage GdipCloneImage GdiplusStartup GdipFree GdipAlloc GdiplusShutdown GdipDrawImageRectI |
OLEACC.dll |
AccessibleObjectFromWindow LresultFromObject |
IMM32.dll |
ImmGetOpenStatus ImmReleaseContext |
WINMM.dll |
Open |
Save As |
All Files (*.*) |
Untitled |
an unnamed file |
&Hide |
No error message is available. |
Attempted an unsupported operation. |
A required resource was unavailable. |
Out of memory. |
An unknown error has occurred. |
Encountered an improper argument. |
Incorrect filename. |
Failed to open document. |
Failed to save document. |
Save changes to %1? |
Failed to create empty document. |
The file is too large to open. |
Could not start print job. |
Failed to launch help. |
Internal application error. |
Command failed. |
Insufficient memory to perform operation. |
System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted. |
Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed. |
This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system. |
This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s. |
Enter an integer. |
Enter a number. |
Enter an integer between %1 and %2. |
Enter a number between %1 and %2. |
Enter no more than %1 characters. |
Select a button. |
Enter an integer between 0 and 255. |
Enter a positive integer. |
Enter a date and/or time. |
Enter a currency. |
Enter a GUID. |
Enter a time. |
Enter a date. |
Unexpected file format. |
%1 |
Cannot find this file. |
Verify that the correct path and file name are given. |
Destination disk drive is full. |
Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else. |
Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else. |
Encountered an unexpected error while reading %1. |
Encountered an unexpected error while writing %1. |
%1: %2 |
Continue running script? |
Dispatch exception: %1 |
Unable to read write-only property. |
Unable to write read-only property. |
Unable to load mail system support. |
Mail system DLL is invalid. |
Send Mail failed to send message. |
No error occurred. |
An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. |
%1 was not found. |
%1 contains an incorrect path. |
Could not open %1 because there are too many open files. |
Access to %1 was denied. |
An incorrect file handle was associated with %1. |
Could not remove %1 because it is the current directory. |
Could not create %1 because the directory is full. |
Seek failed on %1 |
Encountered a hardware I/O error while accessing %1. |
Encountered a sharing violation while accessing %1. |
Encountered a locking violation while accessing %1. |
Disk full while accessing %1. |
Attempted to access %1 past its end. |
No error occurred. |
An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. |
Attempted to write to the reading %1. |
Attempted to access %1 past its end. |
Attempted to read from the writing %1. |
%1 has a bad format. |
%1 contained an unexpected object. |
%1 contains an incorrect schema. |
pixels |
Uncheck |
Check |
Mixed |
One or more auto-saved documents were found. |
These are more recently saved than the currently open documents and contain changes that were made before the application closed. |
Do you want to recover these auto-saved documents? |
Note that if you choose to recover the auto-saved documents, you must explicitly save them to overwrite the original documents. If you choose to not recover the auto-saved versions, they will be deleted. |
Recover the auto-saved documents |
Open the auto-saved versions instead of the explicitly saved versions |
Don't recover the auto-saved documents |
Use the last explicitly saved versions of the documents |
%s [Recovered] |
Signature | 0xfeef04bd |
StructVersion | 0x10000 |
FileVersion | |
ProductVersion | |
FileFlags | (EMPTY) |
FileOs |
FileType |
Language | English - United States |
FileDescription | HP Flash Utility (3.55 Build 06021) |
FileVersion (#2) | 3.55 |
InternalName | HPWINGUI |
LegalCopyright | Copyright (C) American Megatrends International LLC. |
OriginalFilename | HPWINGUI.exe |
ProductName | HPWINGUI |
ProductVersion (#2) | 3.55 |
Resource LangID | English - United States |
Size | 0x48 |
TimeDateStamp | 1970-Jan-01 00:00:00 |
Version | 0.0 |
GlobalFlagsClear | (EMPTY) |
GlobalFlagsSet | (EMPTY) |
CriticalSectionDefaultTimeout | 0 |
DeCommitFreeBlockThreshold | 0 |
DeCommitTotalFreeThreshold | 0 |
LockPrefixTable | 0 |
MaximumAllocationSize | 0 |
VirtualMemoryThreshold | 0 |
ProcessAffinityMask | 0 |
ProcessHeapFlags | (EMPTY) |
CSDVersion | 0 |
Reserved1 | 0 |
EditList | 0 |
SecurityCookie | 0x60b510 |
SEHandlerTable | 0x5f5790 |
SEHandlerCount | 904 |
XOR Key | 0xe67fc3f1 |
Unmarked objects | 0 |
C++ objects (65501) | 1 |
Imports (65501) | 35 |
Total imports | 821 |
208 (65501) | 2 |
199 (41118) | 4 |
C++ objects (VS2013 build 21005) | 96 |
ASM objects (VS2013 build 21005) | 50 |
C objects (VS2013 build 21005) | 245 |
209 (65501) | 1 |
C objects (65501) | 11 |
C++ objects (20806) | 322 |
C++ objects (VS2013 UPD4 build 31101) | 161 |
229 (VS2013 UPD4 build 31101) | 6 |
Resource objects (VS2013 build 21005) | 1 |
Linker (VS2013 UPD4 build 31101) | 1 |