Architecture |
Subsystem |
Compilation Date | 2024-Dec-04 09:16:30 |
Detected languages |
English - United States
FileDescription | PSCOPE MFC Application |
FileVersion | 1.0.001 |
InternalName | PSCOPE |
OriginalFilename | PSCOPE.EXE |
ProductName | PSCOPE |
ProductVersion | 1.0.001 |
Info | Matching compiler(s): |
Microsoft Visual C++ v6.0 DLL
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 - 8.0 Microsoft Visual C++ Microsoft Visual C++ v6.0 Microsoft Visual C++ v5.0/v6.0 (MFC) |
Suspicious | Strings found in the binary may indicate undesirable behavior: |
Miscellaneous malware strings:
Suspicious | The PE is packed or was manually edited. | The number of imports reported in the RICH header is inconsistent. |
Malicious | The PE contains functions mostly used by malware. |
[!] The program may be hiding some of its imports:
Suspicious | The PE is possibly a dropper. |
Resource 110 is possibly compressed or encrypted.
Resources amount for 77.3648% of the executable. |
Suspicious | No VirusTotal score. | This file has never been scanned on VirusTotal. |
e_magic | MZ |
e_cblp | 0x90 |
e_cp | 0x3 |
e_crlc | 0 |
e_cparhdr | 0x4 |
e_minalloc | 0 |
e_maxalloc | 0xffff |
e_ss | 0 |
e_sp | 0xb8 |
e_csum | 0 |
e_ip | 0 |
e_cs | 0 |
e_ovno | 0 |
e_oemid | 0 |
e_oeminfo | 0 |
e_lfanew | 0xf8 |
Signature | PE |
Machine |
NumberofSections | 6 |
TimeDateStamp | 2024-Dec-04 09:16:30 |
PointerToSymbolTable | 0 |
NumberOfSymbols | 0 |
SizeOfOptionalHeader | 0xe0 |
Characteristics |
Magic | PE32 |
LinkerVersion | 6.0 |
SizeOfCode | 0x131000 |
SizeOfInitializedData | 0x23a5000 |
SizeOfUninitializedData | 0 |
AddressOfEntryPoint | 0x000BA2F8 (Section: .text) |
BaseOfCode | 0x1000 |
BaseOfData | 0x132000 |
ImageBase | 0x400000 |
SectionAlignment | 0x1000 |
FileAlignment | 0x1000 |
OperatingSystemVersion | 4.0 |
ImageVersion | 0.0 |
SubsystemVersion | 4.0 |
Win32VersionValue | 0 |
SizeOfImage | 0x24d7000 |
SizeOfHeaders | 0x1000 |
Checksum | 0 |
Subsystem |
SizeofStackReserve | 0xc0000 |
SizeofStackCommit | 0x1000 |
SizeofHeapReserve | 0x1000 |
SizeofHeapCommit | 0x1000 |
LoaderFlags | 0 |
NumberOfRvaAndSizes | 16 |
WSOCK32.dll |
listen WSAAsyncSelect bind setsockopt ioctlsocket socket WSAGetLastError accept recvfrom connect WSAStartup htons WSACleanup closesocket send |
WINMM.dll |
waveInPrepareHeader waveInGetErrorTextA mmioClose waveOutReset waveInClose waveInGetDevCapsA waveInGetNumDevs waveInAddBuffer mmioWrite mmioAscend mmioCreateChunk mmioOpenA waveOutUnprepareHeader waveOutRestart waveOutPrepareHeader waveOutWrite waveOutClose waveOutOpen mciSendCommandA waveInStart waveInStop waveInUnprepareHeader waveInOpen |
KERNEL32.dll |
TlsFree GlobalReAlloc TlsSetValue LocalReAlloc TlsGetValue GetProcessVersion GetCPInfo GetOEMCP GlobalSize CopyFileA LocalUnlock LocalLock SetErrorMode FindNextFileA GetPrivateProfileIntA GetPrivateProfileStringA WritePrivateProfileStringA GetCurrentDirectoryA RtlUnwind RaiseException CreateDirectoryA SetEnvironmentVariableA SetCurrentDirectoryA GetDriveTypeA GetTimeZoneInformation GetSystemTime GetLocalTime HeapReAlloc GetStartupInfoA GetCommandLineA ExitProcess GetACP ExitThread TerminateProcess HeapSize TlsAlloc GetFileType SetHandleCount GetStdHandle FatalAppExitA LCMapStringA LCMapStringW SetUnhandledExceptionFilter HeapDestroy HeapCreate VirtualFree VirtualAlloc IsBadWritePtr UnhandledExceptionFilter FreeEnvironmentStringsA FreeEnvironmentStringsW GetEnvironmentStrings GetEnvironmentStringsW GetStringTypeA GetStringTypeW IsBadReadPtr IsBadCodePtr IsValidLocale IsValidCodePage GetLocaleInfoA EnumSystemLocalesA GetUserDefaultLCID GetVersionExA GetExitCodeProcess CreateProcessA SetConsoleCtrlHandler CompareStringA CompareStringW GetLocaleInfoW SizeofResource GlobalFlags GetShortPathNameA GetThreadLocale GetStringTypeExA GetVolumeInformationA DeleteFileA MoveFileA SetEndOfFile UnlockFile LockFile FlushFileBuffers SetFilePointer GetCurrentProcess EscapeCommFunction SetCommTimeouts SetCommState CreateFileA BuildCommDCBA DuplicateHandle GetTickCount GetCurrentThread lstrcmpA GetDiskFreeSpaceA GetFullPathNameA GetTempFileNameA GetProfileIntA LocalAlloc lstrlenW SetFileAttributesA SetFileTime SystemTimeToFileTime LocalFileTimeToFileTime FindFirstFileA FindClose GetFileTime GetFileSize GetFileAttributesA VirtualProtect FormatMessageA LocalFree GetModuleFileNameA CreateEventA SetEvent WaitForSingleObject FileTimeToLocalFileTime FileTimeToSystemTime MulDiv SetLastError MultiByteToWideChar WideCharToMultiByte lstrlenA InterlockedDecrement InterlockedIncrement LoadLibraryA FreeLibrary GetVersion lstrcatA GetCurrentThreadId GlobalGetAtomNameA lstrcmpiA CloseHandle GlobalAddAtomA GlobalFindAtomA GlobalDeleteAtom lstrcpyA GetProcAddress LockResource FindResourceA LoadResource SetThreadPriority EnterCriticalSection GetModuleHandleA lstrcpynA CreateFileMappingA MapViewOfFile UnmapViewOfFile SetThreadExecutionState InitializeCriticalSection SuspendThread ResumeThread DeleteCriticalSection QueryDosDeviceA Sleep HeapFree GetProcessHeap HeapAlloc CreateThread SleepEx QueryPerformanceFrequency TryEnterCriticalSection LeaveCriticalSection GetLastError QueryPerformanceCounter GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GlobalUnlock GlobalFree WinExec ReadFile WriteFile SetStdHandle |
USER32.dll |
OemToCharA wvsprintfA GetDC ReleaseDC GetWindowDC TabbedTextOutA GrayStringA SetRectEmpty IsZoomed GetMessageA GetAsyncKeyState MapDialogRect LoadAcceleratorsA TranslateAcceleratorA DestroyMenu ReuseDDElParam UnpackDDElParam InflateRect GetDCEx WindowFromPoint PostQuitMessage ShowOwnedPopups SetWindowContextHelpId RegisterClipboardFormatA DestroyCursor CharUpperA GetClassNameA GetDialogBaseUnits GetSysColorBrush InsertMenuA GetMenuStringA GetTabbedTextExtentA IsClipboardFormatAvailable LockWindowUpdate DeleteMenu DestroyIcon CharNextA CopyAcceleratorTableA GetNextDlgGroupItem PostThreadMessageA FindWindowA IsRectEmpty SetParent InvertRect GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions GetMenuState ModifyMenuA SetMenuItemBitmaps CheckMenuItem EnableMenuItem ShowWindow MoveWindow SetWindowTextA IsDialogMessageA ScrollWindowEx IsDlgButtonChecked SetDlgItemTextA SetDlgItemInt GetDlgItemTextA GetDlgItemInt CheckRadioButton CheckDlgButton UnregisterClassA PostMessageA SendDlgItemMessageA MapWindowPoints GetSysColor SetFocus AdjustWindowRectEx ScreenToClient EqualRect DeferWindowPos BeginDeferWindowPos EndDeferWindowPos ScrollWindow GetScrollInfo SetScrollInfo ShowScrollBar GetScrollRange GetScrollPos MessageBoxA IsChild GetCapture wsprintfA GetClassInfoA RegisterClassA GetMenu GetMenuItemCount GetSubMenu GetMenuItemID TrackPopupMenu SetWindowPlacement GetWindowTextLengthA GetWindowTextA GetKeyState DefWindowProcA CreateWindowExA SetWindowsHookExA CallNextHookEx GetClassLongA SetPropA UnhookWindowsHookEx GetPropA CallWindowProcA RemovePropA GetMessageTime GetMessagePos GetLastActivePopup GetForegroundWindow SetForegroundWindow GetWindow SetWindowLongA RegisterWindowMessageA OffsetRect IntersectRect SystemParametersInfoA IsIconic GetWindowPlacement GetNextDlgTabItem EndDialog GetActiveWindow IsWindow GetSystemMetrics CreateDialogIndirectParamA DestroyWindow GetParent GetWindowLongA GetDlgItem SetRect SetScrollRange SetScrollPos ReleaseCapture SetCapture ValidateRect LoadMenuA SetMenu CreateMenu CopyRect PtInRect DlgDirListA DlgDirListComboBoxA DrawEdge GetSystemMenu RemoveMenu AppendMenuA DrawMenuBar SetCursor LoadCursorA BringWindowToTop LoadImageA GetTopWindow GetDlgCtrlID LoadStringA SetWindowPos SetActiveWindow SetCursorPos GetCursorPos LoadBitmapA BeginPaint DrawStateA EndPaint DdeUninitialize DdeFreeStringHandle DdeInitializeA DdeCreateStringHandleA DdeNameService DdePostAdvise DdeCreateDataHandle DdeGetData DdeQueryStringA GetDesktopWindow WinHelpA GetFocus KillTimer SendMessageA PeekMessageA TranslateMessage DispatchMessageA MessageBeep DrawTextA FillRect GetWindowRect InvalidateRect UpdateWindow EnableWindow IsWindowVisible ClientToScreen GetClientRect SetTimer IsWindowEnabled LoadIconA |
GDI32.dll |
GetDIBits CreateCompatibleBitmap SetPixel GetPixel CreateBitmap SetTextColor SetBkColor CreatePatternBrush CreateRectRgn LineTo CreatePenIndirect CreateBrushIndirect Ellipse MoveToEx CreateBitmapIndirect GetDCOrgEx GetClipBox SaveDC RestoreDC GetStockObject SelectPalette SetBkMode SetPolyFillMode SetROP2 SetStretchBltMode SetMapMode SetViewportOrgEx OffsetViewportOrgEx SetViewportExtEx ScaleViewportExtEx SetWindowOrgEx OffsetWindowOrgEx SetWindowExtEx ScaleWindowExtEx SelectClipRgn ExcludeClipRect IntersectClipRect OffsetClipRgn SetTextAlign SetTextJustification SetTextCharacterExtra SetMapperFlags CreatePen ArcTo SetArcDirection PolyDraw PolylineTo SetColorAdjustment PolyBezierTo GetClipRgn SelectClipPath ExtSelectClipRgn PlayMetaFileRecord GetObjectType EnumMetaFile PlayMetaFile GetViewportExtEx GetWindowExtEx ExtCreatePen CreateHatchBrush CreateDIBPatternBrushPt PtVisible RectVisible ExtTextOutA Escape CreateDCA GetTextMetricsA PatBlt GetCharWidthA UnrealizeObject DPtoLP GetViewportOrgEx AbortDoc SetAbortProc GetMapMode SetRectRgn CombineRgn CopyMetaFileA GetTextColor GetBkColor LPtoDP GetNearestColor GetStretchBltMode GetPolyFillMode GetTextAlign GetBkMode GetROP2 GetTextFaceA GetWindowOrgEx CreateCompatibleDC BitBlt StretchBlt FloodFill GetObjectA TextOutA StretchDIBits RealizePalette CreatePalette SetDIBitsToDevice CreateFontA SelectObject DeleteObject StartDocA GetDeviceCaps EndDoc DeleteDC EndPage StartPage CreateRectRgnIndirect CreateSolidBrush Rectangle CreateFontIndirectA GetCurrentPositionEx GetTextExtentPoint32A |
comdlg32.dll |
GetOpenFileNameA CommDlgExtendedError GetFileTitleA ChooseFontA ChooseColorA PrintDlgA PageSetupDlgA FindTextA ReplaceTextA |
DocumentPropertiesA ClosePrinter |
ADVAPI32.dll |
RegSetValueExA RegOpenKeyExA RegCreateKeyExA RegSetValueA RegQueryValueExA RegDeleteKeyA RegOpenKeyA RegEnumKeyA RegCloseKey RegQueryValueA GetFileSecurityA SetFileSecurityA RegCreateKeyA |
SHELL32.dll |
SHGetFileInfoA ExtractIconA DragAcceptFiles DragFinish |
COMCTL32.dll |
#14 ImageList_Destroy ImageList_Create ImageList_LoadImageA ImageList_Merge ImageList_Read ImageList_Write PropertySheetA #13 DestroyPropertySheetPage CreatePropertySheetPageA |
oledlg.dll |
ole32.dll |
ReadClassStg CoTreatAsClass OleRegGetUserType WriteClassStg WriteFmtUserTypeStg SetConvertStg CreateBindCtx OleDuplicateData CoTaskMemAlloc CoTaskMemFree CoDisconnectObject CoFreeUnusedLibraries OleUninitialize OleInitialize CoRevokeClassObject CoRegisterClassObject CoCreateInstance OleRun CLSIDFromString CLSIDFromProgID ReleaseStgMedium CoGetClassObject StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal CoRegisterMessageFilter OleSetClipboard OleFlushClipboard OleIsCurrentClipboard CreateStreamOnHGlobal ReadFmtUserTypeStg |
OLEAUT32.dll |
VariantTimeToSystemTime SysReAllocStringLen SysStringLen SysAllocStringLen SafeArrayDestroyDescriptor VariantClear VariantChangeType SysFreeString SysAllocString SafeArrayUnaccessData SafeArrayAccessData SafeArrayGetUBound SafeArrayGetLBound SafeArrayGetElemsize SafeArrayGetDim SafeArrayCreate SafeArrayRedim VariantCopy SysAllocStringByteLen SysStringByteLen VarCyFromStr VarBstrFromCy VarDateFromStr VarBstrFromDate SafeArrayCopy SafeArrayAllocData SafeArrayAllocDescriptor SafeArrayGetElement SafeArrayPtrOfIndex SafeArrayPutElement SafeArrayLock SafeArrayUnlock SafeArrayDestroy SafeArrayDestroyData |
InternetCanonicalizeUrlA InternetQueryOptionA InternetOpenA InternetGetLastResponseInfoA GopherFindFirstFileA InternetFindNextFileA FtpFindFirstFileA HttpQueryInfoA HttpSendRequestExA HttpEndRequestA HttpSendRequestA HttpAddRequestHeadersA InternetErrorDlg InternetCloseHandle InternetOpenUrlA InternetSetOptionExA HttpOpenRequestA GopherOpenFileA GopherGetAttributeA GopherCreateLocatorA FtpGetFileA FtpPutFileA FtpOpenFileA FtpGetCurrentDirectoryA FtpSetCurrentDirectoryA FtpRemoveDirectoryA FtpCreateDirectoryA FtpRenameFileA FtpDeleteFileA InternetConnectA InternetQueryDataAvailable InternetReadFile InternetSetStatusCallback InternetSetFilePointer InternetGetCookieA InternetSetCookieA InternetCrackUrlA |
Pscope-17 Windows Application |
Pscope_17 |
Pscope Document |
Pscope.Document |
Pscope Document |
Clear All |
Align Left |
Align Right |
Align Top |
Align Bottom |
Same Width |
Same Height |
Cut |
Copy |
Paste |
Delete |
Align Middle |
Align Center |
Distribute Horizontally |
Distribute Vertically |
Set Height in Pixel |
Set Width in pixel |
Undo |
Redo |
Save |
Previous Display |
Display Value of tag |
Change colour |
Dynamic Flood Fill |
Vertical Bar Graph |
Horizontal Bar Graph |
X-Y Trend |
Multiple Selection Switch |
Draw Line |
Set Value of Tag |
Change Display |
Draw Rectangle |
Draw Circle |
Draw Text |
Flood fill |
Select |
Display Image |
Animate object |
Display Image |
2 Way Selector Switch |
3 Way Selector Switch |
PID Faceplate |
Display Message from Group |
Dynamic Pipe |
Dynamic LED |
Symbol Display |
Rectangular Push Button |
Circular Push Button |
Object Properties |
Display Input Tag List |
Configure System Inputs |
Configure Displays |
System Setings |
Configure Modules |
Setting for Users |
Configure trends |
Toggle Debugging Window |
Start / Stop communication |
Set Alarm Colours |
Log In |
Display DDE Status |
Log File Display |
Extract data |
Define Periodic Logging time |
Configure Reports |
Mimic Display |
Trend Display |
Alarm Display |
Log out |
Pscope Windows Application |
Ready |
Create a new document |
Open an existing document |
Close the active document |
Save the active document |
Save the active document with a new name |
Change the printing options |
Change the printer and printing options |
Print the active document |
Display full pages |
Open this document |
Open this document |
Open this document |
Open this document |
Erase the selection |
Erase everything |
Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard |
Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard |
Find the specified text |
Insert Clipboard contents |
Repeat the last action |
Replace specific text with different text |
Select the entire document |
Undo the last action |
Redo the previously undone action |
Open another window for the active document |
Arrange icons at the bottom of the window |
Arrange windows so they overlap |
Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles |
Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles |
Split the active window into panes |
Display program information, version number and copyright |
Quit the application; prompts to save documents |
Switch to the next window pane |
Switch back to the previous window pane |
Show or hide the toolbar |
Show or hide the status bar |
Change the window size |
Change the window position |
Reduce the window to an icon |
Enlarge the window to full size |
Switch to the next document window |
Switch to the previous document window |
Close the active window and prompts to save the documents |
Restore the window to normal size |
Activate Task List |
Activate this window |
Open |
Save As |
All Files (*.*) |
Untitled |
an unnamed file |
&Hide |
No error message is available. |
An unsupported operation was attempted. |
A required resource was unavailable. |
Out of memory. |
An unknown error has occurred. |
on %1 |
&One Page |
&Two Page |
Page %u |
Page %u |
Pages %u-%u |
prn |
Output.prn |
Printer Files (*.prn)|*.prn|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| |
Print to File |
to %1 |
Linked %s |
Unknown Type |
Invalid filename. |
Failed to open document. |
Failed to save document. |
Save changes to %1? |
Failed to create empty document. |
The file is too large to open. |
Could not start print job. |
Failed to launch help. |
Internal application error. |
Command failed. |
Insufficient memory to perform operation. |
System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted. |
Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed. |
This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system. |
This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s. |
Please enter an integer. |
Please enter a number. |
Please enter an integer between %1 and %2. |
Please enter a number between %1 and %2. |
Please enter no more than %1 characters. |
Please select a button. |
Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. |
Please enter a positive integer. |
Please enter a date and/or time. |
Please enter a currency. |
Unexpected file format. |
%1 |
Cannot find this file. |
Please verify that the correct path and file name are given. |
Destination disk drive is full. |
Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else. |
Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else. |
An unexpected error occurred while reading %1. |
An unexpected error occurred while writing %1. |
The file is not supported by a Document Object server. |
%1 |
Unable to register document. |
The document may already be open. |
Unable to read write-only property. |
Unable to write read-only property. |
Unable to load mail system support. |
Mail system DLL is invalid. |
Send Mail failed to send message. |
No error occurred. |
An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. |
%1 was not found. |
%1 contains an invalid path. |
%1 could not be opened because there are too many open files. |
Access to %1 was denied. |
An invalid file handle was associated with %1. |
%1 could not be removed because it is the current directory. |
%1 could not be created because the directory is full. |
Seek failed on %1 |
A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1. |
A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1. |
A locking violation occurred while accessing %1. |
Disk full while accessing %1. |
An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. |
No error occurred. |
An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. |
An attempt was made to write to the reading %1. |
An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. |
An attempt was made to read from the writing %1. |
%1 has a bad format. |
%1 contained an unexpected object. |
%1 contains an incorrect schema. |
pixels |
Signature | 0xfeef04bd |
StructVersion | 0x10000 |
FileVersion | |
ProductVersion | |
FileFlags | (EMPTY) |
FileOs |
FileType |
Language | English - United States |
FileDescription | PSCOPE MFC Application |
FileVersion (#2) | 1.0.001 |
InternalName | PSCOPE |
OriginalFilename | PSCOPE.EXE |
ProductName | PSCOPE |
ProductVersion (#2) | 1.0.001 |
Resource LangID | UNKNOWN |
XOR Key | 0xe81126e |
Unmarked objects | 0 |
19 (8022) | 37 |
Unmarked objects (#2) | 98 |
14 (7299) | 42 |
C objects (VS98 build 8168) | 188 |
Total imports | 584 |
19 (8034) | 23 |
12 (7291) | 6 |
C++ objects (VS98 build 8168) | 265 |
Resource objects (VS98 cvtres build 1720) | 1 |
Linker (VS98 build 8168) | 1 |